Sunday, August 23, 2009

Lemon Jello

So now I write....

Somehow you have stumbled across this blog and within you is a deep-seeded curiosity, or at the very least, a whimsical inquisitiveness as as to what "Brain Excavation" is all about. How I wish I had some witty, intriguing, and thought-provoking answer to that question, but I don't. However, I would like to say first and foremost, that I commend you for the simple fact that you are curious. I admire curiosity. Curiosity can be, and often is, the fuel that ignites passion. We all have passion. Yes, even I and even you. Unfortunately, for the majority of us, passion lies tucked away in the corner pantry like a box of lemon jello which has exceeded it's expiration date by nearly a decade, awaiting the hungry soul who dares to add water, and stir. How many times have we hesitantly opened that cabinet door in expectation of something that says, "Hey, what about me? Pick me! I am tasty, somewhat healthy, and even a little bit erotic. If you would just add some liquid love, I'm yours!"

Lemon jello, while not exactly a gourmet desert, might just be, at this moment, the very thing your ever-so finicky appetite desires. So, I invite you to save the 5 bucks which you may be tempted to spend on some frozen, sugar-filled delight from the the corner Starbucks, (no, not that corner, the other corner), and indulge with me as I dig from within and excavate the once drug-induced, yet complex tunnels of my mind.

Had you not come to the conclusion already, this blog has no particular theme. You cannot come back here again in hopes of gaining insight relative to some previous topic which I have discussed. Oh, I suppose that I will, from time to time, rehash, re-live, or even repeat myself, but that would certainly be the exception and not the norm. If in fact you do run across something that bears the resemblance of something else previously written, or in your opinion, falls within the same realm of thought, then please, and by all means, be gracious enough to point that out in comment form. It may indeed be a tunnel I wish to, or need to further explore. After all, it's not your brain in which this blog seeks to excavate. Yet, the brain that is in need of rotted-soil removal seems to be my own.

As if it were not already blatantly obvious, I have not, nor even claim to have, any sort of formal education, especially as it would pertain to writing. Having said that, I beg of you to kindly overlook and disregard the many grammatical, phonological, and literal mistakes which will no doubt permeate and be embedded within nearly every sentence I present. But that's just the way jello is, is it not? It's cool, it wiggles, it's colorful, tasty, and if one hungry soul would simply see beyond that stale package of Oreo cookies and look lying beside that envelope of instant brown gravy which has been there since they moved from their first apartment, then they might just find a little nugget of inexpensive and satisfying "soul" food standing up as in a last-ditch effort and screaming, "Water me, please!"

OK, so that was a little much. The bottom line is that as I find myself suddenly unemployed after being on the same career path for nearly 30 years, the only thing I have left that is certain, outside of the love and grace of God, is my imagination, even as uncertain and fluctuating as it may be. So in an effort to keep all of my random and peace-theiving thoughts at bay, I write.

The sole intention and purpose of this blog is so that I may hopefully and eventually dig my way into the depths of my own passions and haul out of that dark, yet optimistic bowl of wiggly gelatin, something, or the one thing, that can satisfy the craving of my temporarily earth-bound jello hungry soul.

Thanks for the visit and please, come again.

Yours truly,

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